Feature Ideas

  1. Canva

    I would love if Canva can be connected to access my designs to use as assets here.

    #Must have 🎯#Good to Have πŸ‘#Integrations πŸ”—


  2. Integration With ChatGPT for Bulk Creation

    Time-Saving, Better Productivity, 3X Speed The workflow is gonna be something like: Create Bulk > Command ChatGPT β€œCreate 20 engaging social media posts related to health and beauty” > Predis generates 20 different posts and places them into 20 different columns where user can choose to copy/regenerate post(s) > Once post(s) confirmed, user will click β€˜Generate Creatives’ > 20 creatives are generated and placed beside the relevant posts > User can edit the creatives individually as per normal.

    #Must have 🎯#Good to Have πŸ‘#Integrations πŸ”—


  3. Canva Integration

    Many Predis.ai users will likely be Canva users as well. Integrating Canva would allow for an expanded template library for both videos and images in addition to the library currently being offered natively by predis.ai. This would create endless opportunities for fresh content templates. Also from a competitor analysis standpoint, many other AI social media post generators are incorporating Canva integrations already.

    #Good to Have πŸ‘#Integrations πŸ”—


  4. Add option to hyperlink text

    The ads are beautiful, and it creates buttons, but you can't link those buttons to a website or landing page, same with the webaddress or emails. It's a must.

    #Must have 🎯#Integrations πŸ”—


  5. Trend content

    It would be great to post according to trends on a social network and/or search engine in a particular country or several ones. This is especially helpful to boost impressions when your account is not very popular yet.

    #Must have 🎯#Good to Have πŸ‘


  6. Add better music

    Add popular songs like instagram and tiktok have to make videos better

    #Must have 🎯


  7. Give Best Posting Day/Time Suggestions

    Give Best Posting Day/Time Suggestions in Scheduling/Calendar Tool

    #Good to Have πŸ‘


  8. Need the ability to find the most trending hashtags for the day

    It would make it easier for businesses, trying to grow.

    #Must have 🎯


  9. Advanced Analytics Dashboard

    Introduce a more comprehensive analytics dashboard that offers deeper insights into content performance, audience engagement, and ROI. Allow users to customize their dashboards based on key metrics relevant to their goals.



  10. Get AI Generated Custom Images

    It would be great if custom curated image is possible to get that fits our requirement.

    #Must have 🎯


  11. Competitor Analysis -Show Organic Vs Paid engagement in content Analysis

    This will helps brands understand what's working Organically vs Paid.

    #Must have 🎯


  12. Intro,Outro support for Videos

    Once this is implemented, you will be able to choose an Intro and Outro template. The AI will automatically attach the Intro, Outro templates to your videos. The Intro templates will have options where the Video headline can be shown prominently on the Intro itself. With this, you can make sure all of the videos have a consistent look and feel on all platforms.

    #Must have 🎯


  13. Integrate AI Image Generation Features!

    I would love to see Predis integrate AI image generation features similar to those offered by Fliki.ai. This would allow creators to generate unique and engaging visuals for their videos, beyond the currently available stock image library. The ability to generate AI images in various art styles would be incredibly valuable. Specific Art Styles Include: Anime Cinematic Comic book Digital art Fantasy art Isometric Line art Low poly Neon punk Origami Pixel art Media Types: 3D model Analog film Clay Photographic Other: Enhance Tile texture Benefits: Enhanced Creativity: AI image generation would offer creators more creative freedom and allow them to produce visually striking content. Reduced Reliance on Stock Images: Creators wouldn't be limited to stock images, leading to more original and personalized content. Streamlined Workflow: Integrating AI image generation within Predis would provide a one-stop shop for creating faceless videos. Thank you for considering this suggestion!

    #Must have 🎯#Good to Have πŸ‘#Integrations πŸ”—


  14. Automatically generate caption and thumbnail for video

    Hi πŸ‘‹ I have a feature request. I think this is a good use case. Would it be possible to use predis to automatically generate caption and thumbnail for video? So, for example, please allow us to upload video, then automatically generate transcription from that video. Then from that transcription, automatically generate caption for our target video channel (yt, TikTok, ig...), And would be amazing if it's possible to automatically generate interesting thumbnail. The ability to do all this from API . 😊 Is this something that's in the roadmap?

    #Good to Have πŸ‘#Integrations πŸ”—


  15. Auto schedule posts

    #Must have 🎯#Integrations πŸ”—
